NOW Women's Forum
I am thrilled to announce that our campaign for Florida House, District 120, together with Key West NOW, will hold a Forum on Woman's Issues. NOW is assembling a panel of experts and the room will open for a true and honest discussion. As a candidate, I will be there to listen and learn--so that I will be the best representative for women that I can be when in the Florida House.

Marathon Meet + Greet
You’re invited to meet Adam Gentle Democratic Candidate for House District 120.

You’re invited to meet Adam Gentle- Democratic House Candidate for House District 120.
Homestead Happy Hour
Let’s meet!
Come join me at City Hall Bistro this coming Tuesday.
Ask a question, raise a concern-together we can get things back on track.
This is a free event! Please RSVP below @gettickets!

Fundraiser in Support of Adam
Please join
Caroline S. Burruss, Eric Morris, Bobi Lore (Host Committee in Formation)
For a fundraiser in support of Adam Gentle.